Tuesday, December 1, 2009

True Faith

I've been musing this last week as I've been overcoming the flu bug. I've been musing over the state of the Church in America. I've thought about the times of great growth in the Church's history and how the movement of Christianity has impacted our world. Look how the Church in China, even after many years of isolation and persecution, grew and developed believers willing to live and die for their faith in Jesus Christ. The underground Church did and continues to preach the Good News without the use of Bibles, study guides and video series to enlighten them. They've shared the love of Father God with others under tremendous pressures and consequences and the Church keeps growing. It is vital and alive. It doesn't get to meet two or three times a week to "fellowship" together and yet, it keeps growing. It's been tried in the fire and it keeps growing! We, the Church in America, on the other hand, have all the above mentioned things plus numerous others and we are shrinking and loosing our nation to unrighteousness. We're doing it all, the settings to entice, the music to satisfy and the programs that hit all the "right" elements and we keep shrinking! What has happened to the Church in America? Simply put, I believe we have strayed far away from God's vision of His Church (even with all our Bibles and all the versions) and have been seduced into believing the world's way is better. We look, talk and act like the world all the while professing to love one another as we judge and gossip about our fellow Church followers. That last statement was what I believe the Church has largely become - Church followers instead of Christ followers. We care more about what others think of our outward spiritual face than what Father God thinks of our inner spiritual heart. We've got to start, individually and collectively, getting back to God's directives for His Church and stop trying to do it our way. Most of us are not joined to a part of the Body that is so filled with love for one another in the Church that unbelievers are drawn to Christ. We don't even take good care of our own weak and broken and yet we expect others to see us as we want to be seen. Unfortunately, most unbelievers are more discerning than we expect and end up rejecting what we have to offer. How sad an indictment against us. Take a few moments in your day and muse on the words of A.W. Tozer, one of my favorite authors, from his book, RENEWED DAY BY DAY.
"If true religion consisted in outward practices, then it could be destroyed by laws forbidding those practices. But if the true worshiper is one who worships God in spirit and in truth, how can laws or jails or abuses or deprivations prevent the spiritual man from worshiping? Let a man set his heart only on doing the will of God and he is instantly free! No one can hinder him. It is only when we introduce our own will into our relation to God that we get into trouble. When we weave into the pattern of our lives threads of our own desires we instantly become subject to hindrances from the outside. The essence of spiritual worship is to love supremely, to trust confidently, to pray without ceasing and to seek to be Christlike and holy, doing all the good we can for Christ's sake."


  1. I see it like this:

    A large part of American Christians don't truly read their bibles and/or have a genuine relationship with Christ. Many really don't know God for who He is. Yes, they believe in eternal life in heaven and that He comforts us through bad times, but don't really have a true revelation that the same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead is in us. Whereas then they become Christians who have no power and have a form of godliness, but with no power.

    Why do we see so many young adults running away from church? Maybe it's because we rather teach the Do NOTS rather than the unconditional love of God. How God wants to know us and how He has put special gifts in us that need to be birthed. Also, many in the body are not being used for their gifts. There are many in the body with many special gifts to be used to minister to each other.

    We also don't tell our young adults or believers in general the good new but want to preach how we need to look, act, dress. Many don't have a clear knowledge of what being born again is. I know I didn't until recently. This is why I walked in defeat most of my 13 years of salvation.

    So then, many walk by the flesh doing works to be accepted by God or maybe the "other" christians around them. The focus is then taken off of seeking a wonderful, loving, God...to seeking a fierce, angry father God. The underlying message is "IF you don't do this or that....then you might not go to heaven". Some stay just to be pleasers but many feel like they can't amount to anything with God and christians around them and then leave the body of Christ. Preaching the wrath of God or the "devil is gonna get ya" message is not going to bring people closer to God, but push them away.

    I daily encounter Christians worn out and defeated, not walking with victory because they have withdrawn from God thinking God is mad at them because they "sinned" yet again. So we look at God as a big, mean "daddy". Not a friend or a loving parent who loves unconditionally.

    What will bring people to God?

    The goodness of God will bring those to repentance. Telling them they have a special purpose for the Lord and gifts to be used. Tell them how God wants to heal them and restore them in spirit, soul, and body. Not that God's will is for them to have cancer and die or live in poverty.

    We don't believe Him for who He is, so this is why we don't see many miracles in the American Church. We don't see people raised from the dead, cancer flee from christians, and many other mighty miracles. This, I believe will also bring many to want to know Him. And once they are born again it is for us to encourage them in their love relationship with God not pointing out their flaws. (of course, unless Holy Spirit asks us to)

    God is wonderful, and good, who loves us so so so much.

    Bless you Faye.


  2. Chris, I look forward to your comments! Thank you so much for sharing your heart with me. I believe God is raising up a Warrior Princess in His Kingdom for such a time as this - you! Your words are so right on. I believe we have lost many of our young and hungry because we were feeding them a diet of what not to eat rather than the bounty feast of Father's love which starts with little savories and ends with fabulous dessert creations created especially for them with His hands! I commit to love and be loved so I will be part of the healing & correction and not be part of the blame game or approval game. I know that is a part of God's call & vision for my future and may lead down some rocky, unfamiliar paths but I know He Who calls is He Who supplies, equips and sends. I'm not afraid of what man may think, my desire is to walk in obedience to my Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. He Who began a good work in me will continue to perform it and perfect it to full maturity!
    I love you, mighty mother of many!
    Blessings in Jesus' name,

  3. Thank you so much for your encouraging words and compliment towards me. You, Faye are a woman to be admired. Your heart is so tender for HIm and for doing His will. That is such an awesome vision and calling on your life. I KNOW He will work wonders in you and through you, to touch many, many lives for HIM!!

    As for me, my heart hungers daily to seek Him, serve Him and Love Him. I take delight in His presence daily. I want to please Him ONLY (and my hubby also ha ha)

    I hunger to know the Fullness of the God Head bodily and He delights in revealing HIS wonderful Mysteries to my heart. I LOVE IT!! I love talking about the Lord, there is nothing else to discuss in this life :D

    Even if we talked about "regular" life stuff, I know it would lead right back to HIM.

    Love Ya Faye!!



  4. Chris,
    You are always such a bright spot in my day - I look forward to hearing from you & am always so encouraged at your love and hunger for Father God. You are right, regular talk leads right to Him - He is always in my thoughts, speaking to me & me to Him - just loving me constantly. What an awesome Daddy we have and what a consuming, life-giving love with which we are loved! Blessings, Mighty Mother of Many! You share my heart!!
