Friday, November 13, 2009

Embraced by Father God

I love the way my Father loves me and loves to surprise me! I remember receiving a gift from my parents as a young teenager. We were money-poor and only received gifts at Christmas and birthdays. Upon receiving the gift, I started crying. I asked my parents if I was given the gift because I was dying. I had been dealing with a severe disease and thought the gift would only be given if I was close to death. My parents explained they gave it because they thought I would like it. There was no other reason. Of course, there was another reason - their love! Those kind of surprise gifts are what I have come to expect from my Father! He loves to surprise me and to delight me. It's not normally with "things" but with people and His workings. Yesterday, I saw a friend I hadn't seen in a few years. She has always been an encourager and an intecessor and she was one of God's love gifts yesterday. Leaving a store, I heard my name being called several times. As I found the source of the call, she gestered for me to come over to see her first grandchild. Being a friend and a grandmother, I was quick to comply because I love grandbabies! That baby was used as a connection yesterday for his nana and me. As we stood chatting and catching up on each other's lives, I shared with her some things God is doing in me and she, intercessor that she is, started praying for me right there on the sidewalk in front of the store. Everything she prayed was a confirmation of what my husband and I had prayed together that morning! She had no idea until the "amen" of how she had been used. As I shared with her what God had spoken to us and the requests we had made, we were both rejoicing and praising the Only One who is able to do that! What an extraordinary and loving Daddy we have who loves to pour out His love on us all the time -not just when we're dying! How can we not love Him Who loves us so completely and so personally! Fall in love with Him all over again if your love has grown cold and start enjoying the fresh rain of His love in your life!


  1. I totally agree with your post. It is amazing to be in LOVE and to have the love of the Father. When we receive the revelation of the Lord's love towards us and His goodness, it seems like nothing in the world can stop us or bring us down.

    I have come to the point in my life that when I don't feel His goodness and love in my heart (yeah, I know we shouldn't just have the high feeling) I have to search it out with all my might. If not I feel down and not very "nice" ha ha ha.

    I sometimes feel like the Shulamite in Song of Solomon 5:8

    I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
    If you find my beloved,
    That you tell him I am lovesick!

    Thank God He is always there and reassures me of this all the time. He doesn't ever leave me nor forsake me.

  2. Amen! His love has radically changed me and I will never be the same again! There is such a difference in just the "head" knowledge of that love and a love relationship with the Lover of my soul! I love you, sweet mother of many!
