Tuesday, January 12, 2010

She Looks Like Her Daddy

From the time I was a very little girl, I was told that I looked like my daddy. I loved my daddy and enjoyed being told that when I was young. However, as I grew older my desire was to look like my mother or my older sister. It was the '50's and mothers in that decade wore dresses or skirts to work even if that work was at home. The dresses were gorgeous, full-skirted renditions that showed off the waist and figure. I thought my mother & sister were beautiful and I really wanted to be told I looked like them instead of my daddy. That never happened. They both had dark brown curly hair and dark eyes while I was blonde with manufactured curls and blue eyes. My daddy had the same color hair and eyes and we shared similar cheekbones and noses. He looked like a young Bing Crosby, even to the ears and I had those, too. He wasn't unattractive, he just wasn't pretty and I was all about pretty! Well, my daddy died when I was 27 and now I love it when someone states that I look much like my daddy. It helps me feel close to him when I see a reminder in the mirror or in pictures that show our similarities.

Today, my hearts' desire is that when others see me or interact with me, they see a resemblance to my heavenly Father, my Abba (Daddy). I still like pretty and I still think my mother and sister are beautiful, but my desire is more to glorify Him than myself while on this journey called life. I think my face is beginning to look more like Him because I know my heart is. The more I interact with Him, the more I look like my Daddy inside and out! Isn't that an awesome thing about our extraordinary Abba - how we are changed from within as we walk and rest in relationship with Him and then become more and more like Him in the process?! She looks like her Daddy are sweet words to my heart! Thank you, Daddy.


  1. Aww that is such a sweet story about your natural daddy. BTW...you are a very beautiful woman, inside and out. Gorgeous I must add.... :)

    I totally agree about wanting to look like our daddy - abba God. I want this too. When people see me, I want to express the love he is showing me through loving them unconditionally. I want to express this love in tangible ways and by way of encouragement and lifting them up in prayer and in faith.

    Before I had fully understood the Love the Father has for me, I used to be a very quiet and shy girl/woman. I felt like I never had anything good to offer anyone. I would often times discourage myself and didn't know how to even begin to encourage another individual. But there was something in me that so much wanted to be able to do this very thing.

    So as I have grown in the love of God in my life and have seen how much He loves me, this same love now wants to explode out of me by loving those around me and showing them how much the Lord Loves them. Just like you feel. I can't totally comprehend this love within me and can't even begin to really explain the depth of it....It is deep down and so unexplainable. The way of sharing this love and explaining it is by loving and encouraging those that need a touch from God. I now look for people who need and are hungering love and to know this love. I am looking to encourage people!!

    It is such a supernatural thing happening in me because I have, for years, not known how to encourage. I am so excited to see this love radiate out of my heart through my mouth or through email to friends....It is truly a gift from our Daddy. I thank the Lord for His wonderful work in me and I am so excited to see what He is doing in my life.

    I often wonder what He is preparing me for. I can go on typing about all the desires I have to serve Him. I am being faithful to what I feel he is leading me to and I just love it. I love doing His work of Love. It is so awesome!!! \0/ I praise Him daily for this ability and love in me!!

    Thanks Faye for your continued transparency and love that you show. I am excited to see how God is using you for the work of His love.

    Love ya,


  2. Ah, Chris! There you go again, blessing me. You are such a sweet fragrance of Father's love and He is using you in some mighty ways of extending & revealing His love to others (me included). Thanks for sharing your heart with me - I love you, mighty sister!
