Monday, November 16, 2009

Building Distinguished Churches

I drive past a new church building on my way to work every day. It has an attractive design and color and appears to have a great deal of square footage. A sign at the site reads, "A Builder of Distinguished Churches". Having the mind I do, I started thinking about what that implies and would I want it. The dictionary defines "distinguished" as being marked by eminence, distinction or excellence; benefitting an eminent person; or dignified in appearance or conduct. I believe there are ways to make the definition fit into the Biblical call of the Church such as the call for excellence in all we do and being distinct in our function. Unfortunately, I see the adjective as being an inadequate representation of the function of the Church. Now, I know, that is not what the actual builders or the church itself is trying to convey - but, this is my mind, again! Is the Church in America too concerned about her "image" and desire for distinction that we spend way too much money and effort on attaining them and few too little time on building a Bride for the Bridegroom? The American Church has become distinguished by being seen as biased, bigoted and unloving places instead of places of refuge, healing and hope for a dying world and a wounded family of God. What does the average church have to offer someone who has been beaten up and knocked around by the world or other believers? I read a quote some time ago that stated, "The Church is the only army that shoots its' wounded." What a horrible indictment and yet, probably pretty accurate. We're told over and over again in scripture that we're to love one another, that without that love we won't see God. Yet, our churches can be some of the loneliest, most unlovable and unforgiving places around. Why would the world want to be like us or accept what we have to offer? Please don't misunderstand me, I am not against the Church in America, I love the Church. I am against the lack of acceptance of other parts of the same Body, the "showmanship" of religious activity and the absence of love for one another. We were told that our love for one another in the Church, would let the world know that we belong to Him and would draw them to Him! I think we've missed it! Rather than seeking to be distinguished for worldly ideals, let's get moving towards becoming distinguished by our love and our following of Christ's call! Oh, my, what one sign can do in the life of this ordinary woman!

1 comment:

  1. I love your thinking Faye, so deep.

    What you wrote is so right on. Has church become just a social gathering for Sundays? When the church becomes a "social" gathering we can miss out on the love of Christ. We can become a critical, judgmental and gossip filled place. Also we can get caught up with the "works" of looking right and sounding right and then simply putting up an image that may not truly be who we really are.

    Members of the body are looking for those who will love them with an unconditional love. A body who is true, honest, lovely, and not going criticize every part of their lives. Sometimes we can be quick to point out the negatives of their lives rather then embracing them with grace and love.

    We just need to embrace and walk in that love of Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to convict those of their sins. We need to see our brother and sisters as who they really are----a reborn spirit and not just their stinky flesh.

